For the greatest impact, invite a few others to go through this Anchor Group study with you.

⌘ Space to Belong | 5-10 minutes

Connect with one another with an ice-breaker.

🧊 What is your "battle anthem" song when you're facing tough days? (Any genre—doesn't have to be a church song!) ⚔️

⌘ Space to Believe | 10-15 minutes

Read and reflect on the scripture.

Ephesians 6:12–13 (NIV) 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

What stands out to you? Is there anything new for you to believe or obey?

⌘ Space to Become | 10-15 minutes

A. Familiarize yourself with the sermon.

In this message, Abbi Sulaski vulnerably shares her personal experiences with spiritual warfare, anger, and identity struggles, highlighting how they surfaced during different seasons of life. Through her journey, she discovered the power of quick obedience to God’s call, the role of community in her healing, and tools like fasting and prayer to push back against spiritual battles. Drawing from Scripture and her own challenges, Abbi encourages us to be mindful of the ongoing spiritual battle we each face and reminds us of the importance of leaning into God and trusted community for truth, guidance, and freedom.

B. Discuss one or more of the following questions.

  1. Where have you seen “spiritual warfare” in your life, perhaps without even knowing it?
  1. What’s your “go-to” response when things feel out of control? How do you regain your footing?
  2. Abbi talked about wanting to hide parts of her struggle—where do you feel most tempted to hide instead of being vulnerable?
  3. How would you define the concept of “belaying” each other? What does that look like in practice?
  4. What role does “spiritual discipline” (like fasting or deep prayer) play in your battle against spiritual warfare?

⌘ Space to Belay | 5-10 minutes